Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pee Wee Herman

Pee Wee Herman (PeeWeeHerman) in twitter. Reports of its death have been greatly exaggerated, as Pee-Wee Herman has increased. It just goes to prove that you cannot keep a good man-child down.The character in gray tights, red bow tie and short hair was resurrected on Broadway and is now an HBO special, "The show Pee-Wee Herman on Broadway," March 19 premiere.When Herman, whose real name is Paul Reubens, was arrested on obscenity 20 years ago, the media sounded like the death knell figure which was born when Rubens joined the group to improve Groundlings. This sinuous capricious creature went on to start in the children's TV series "Pee-Wee's Playhouse," and several films, after which the comic romps waiflike.Reubens said he was not sure why Pee-Wee suddenly again. "I do not know. I think some...

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