Microsoft Expert Zone went down while giving away free Halo Reach Beta codes. The site is back up, and you can get the free codes by taking a quiz.
Ozcar Guide says, “All you need to do is get all the quiz answers right. I personally have collected 100 points and received five answer beta codes with the following answer key….”
Gear Live is participating. “We’re giving away Halo: Reach beta early-access codes! That’s right – if you want to get in early on the Halo: Reach Multiplayer beta, head on over to our contest page to see how to enter. We’ve got a bunch of codes that we are going to be giving away later today, and if you win, you’ll be able to download and start playing the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta immediately!”
Product Reviews reports, “Many sites are currently giving out free beta codes, GameHunters apparently have 50 beta codes to give away, to have a chance of receiving a beta code you must either comment on this post or on their Twitter, hurry though as it seems as if it is on a first-come first-serve basis.”
Halo Reach Beta codes are available free at various sites. Traffic shut down Microsoft Expert Zone, but the site is back up.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Microsoft Expert Zone score Free Halo Reach Beta Codes