World Yoga Championships have been held in Los Angeles yearly for the past seven years already, where yoga practitioners from all over the world perform a three-minute, seven-posture routine in front of a panel of judges.
Lu Mei Ling who represents Singapore in the junior category absolutely impressed the panel of judges with her amazing flexibility and grace to grab this year’s Junior category Championship title.
Unlike other 12 year old kids who spends more time playing inside their house with their toys or video games, outdoors, and allotting so much time in school and friends, it is different with Lu Mei Ling who spends most of his time in Yoga Studio after school time. This is also the main reason why she has developed great talent in the form of Yoga.
“Winning in LA was one of my yoga goals so it felt good to achieve that,” says Lu. “It made my mom so happy.”
She gets so much support from her mother in to this Yoga Studio time and even to a point of telling her not to worry about studies and focus on training for the yoga competition.
Mum even got Lu’s school to give her time off to train. Unlike many parents in Singapore for whom school and exams are an unquestionable priority.
Lu Mei Ling regularly practices the postures in a routine everyday in the yoga Sudio and when she gets home to perfect it. “My favorite is full wheel,” she says. “It looks so beautiful.” Organized by Bikram Yoga studios worldwide, the World Yoga Championships are well known within a segment of the yoga community but not yet beyond.
Her advice to those gaining interest to Yoga art, “Give it your best shot,” says Lu. “Go over your routine and your teacher’s comments. Don’t bother cramming at the last minute. Make as few mistakes on stage as possible.”
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Yoga Studios