Monday, October 18, 2010

Move To The Groove

Move to the groove another buzz is on peak today.Wisconsin who created a dance program targeting childhood obesity he calls Move to the Groove. Arboleda’s award-winning dance-fitness program, that makes exercise less like P.E. and more like a playground, is currently being used in several elementary schools.

However, Arboleda’s tiny, ancient home is considerably less fit and fun for his wife and five children, than his health-teaching innovations. Enter Ty Pennington of the EMHE ABC program, representing the home repair side, and Dancing with the Stars winners assisting from the dance/fitness area.

As according to Jeremy

PS: I started producing Move to the Groove dance parties in 2001 out of frustration at the homogeniety of the local dance event scene—if you went swing dancing it would be a whole evening of nothing but swing, if you went salsa dancing it was a whole evening of nothing but salsa, and likewise for tango. I wanted a fun eclectic dance party that provided a diverse mix of people and music in a venue with a great wooden dance floor and a good atmosphere including a full bar, tables and chairs. I make a special point as host to make everyone feel welcome at my parties. Come and discover for yourself!

PPS: Thanks to all the people over the years who have helped make the Move to the Groove events possible, including all the many wonderful volunteers. You can get an idea of the joy and excitement of these parties from Dave Matthews' photos.

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