Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today several herbal ephedra diet supplements offered by many distributors contain large amounts of herbal ingredients, but people often ask why one dietary supplement is better compare to another, why certian fat burners sold for more compare to others, where can I purchase ephedra/ephedrine dietary supplements for cheap, what is it, is it legal to buy online, what are the side effects, is ephedra considered the most effective herbal ingredient in weight loss supplements and more… Well we have the answer to all these questions.

It is an herbal extract often comes from species such as ephedra sinica or ma huang. It has been used as remedy in traditional chinese herbal medicine to treat different types of conditions, including weight loss. This herb is a very strong stimulant that effecting human body by increasing blood pressure and heart rate, speeding up metabolism which results in rapid weight loss. In America mormons found ephedra in the deserted areas and used to drink tea made from plant called viridis which quickly was named “mormon tea”.

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