Tomorrow, a blossoming of rallies will take place across the country, nay, the world. The purpose of these rallies will not be to protest. They will not be to incite a revolution. They will be a call for sanity…or at least a break from shouting.
When John Stewart and Stephen Colbert announced their event a few weeks ago, I don’t know if they could have anticipated the wildfire effect that would take place. Soon, announcements for satellite rallies cropped up in big cities small towns. We have a friend who will be attending a satellite rally in Finland. While it may not seem like a novel idea, the message put forward resonated; people who shout and scream should not be the only ones who have a voice in our society.
In that spirit, the Anchorage Rally to Restore Sanity will take place tomorrow afternoon. While it will be a small event by Washington D.C. standards, if even half of the people who say they will come do show up, it will be epic by Alaskan proportions. The Anchorage Rally to Restore Sanity will start at 1 p.m. tomorrow afternoon in the quad area in front of UAA’s Cuddy Hall. Yes, it will be outside. But we’re Alaskans, damn it, we can handle it. The Cuddy Hall is on the west end of campus, and a map of the UAA campus can be viewed here.
The call for organization was first put out by a student, Alex Maslow, who submitted an op-ed to the Northern Light a couple of weeks ago.
Saturday, October 30, 2010