So what would the “Project Runway” drinking game be? Stay true to yourself? Hot mess? Thrown under the bus? Make it work? By the end of the two-hour finale tonight, we might all be on the floor, possibly with feather boas and a nice jersey fabric.
We start with a little summary of the three finalists (Andy, Mondo and Gretchen) and a reunion of the whole cast. Gretchen tries to defend her behavior by saying she’s just a confident woman. But several other confident women, Ivy and April, say nope, she’s just a beyotch. Nice try!
And we remember challenges past, from Jackie O. to designing their own fabric to the party store to Casanova’s tiny ties, woolly balls and the good china. Tim says they were 17 “rare hothouse flowers” otherwise known as drama queens. All I have to say is, in this week’s interview with the finalists, none of them were certain who hottie muttonchops make-up artist was. I think they are all just keeping him for themselves.
Back to the collections. Last week, the designers had to design an 11th look. This week they have to get rid of one of their outfits. Andy is getting rid of one of his swimsuits. Gretchen thinks that pumping up the drama means crazy hair, lipstick and heels. Two of Mondo’s models didn’t show up for fittings.
OK, this show is two hours, so there is lots of time for filler ramblings and reflections. To sum up: they all have learned a lot and they all want it really bad. The day of the show, Mondo is freaking out because the line up is wrong. Tim tells him to get over it. Heidi shows up in a tomato jumpsuit.
Judging: Michael Kors, Nina Garcia and singer/actress/shoe gal Jessica Simpson, whose face is not moving
except for her lower lip. It’s really distracting. Gretchen says her collection is about the road she’s taken and it’s called ‘Running Through Thunder.” There’s a lot of brown and gray in thunder. And jodhpurs. And pleated animal prints. If you haven’t cheated and looked when the actual fashion show appeared several months ago, see the looks here:
Andy comes out in giant balloon MC Hammer pants. With fringe. His collection is inspired by his heritage. There’s a lot of lime green and gray. A LOT of gray. And martian headgear out of the Jetsons. Pleated necklines, skirts and fabulously seamed vests.
Mondo goes last. His collection is about what brings him joy. He wears a nice suit and and an interesting pompadour. There are leggings that look like ski sweater prints.. Houndstooth print skirts with bright blue fitted shirts. Plaid pouf dresses. Sparkly disco tanks. It seems very 80s, complete with bright pink socks. I cannot wear any of these things, ever again. But it’s interesting, and at least a variety of color and shapes.
Andy’s Asian themed collection could have turned into a costume collection. Kors said he pulled it off but there wasn’t enough diversity. Heidi thought his 11th look from last week - the lime green pleated dress - was sassy. Nina says he was hard and edgy at the beginning and was happy to see the softness, but he lost Andy somewhere in there. They all hated the headpieces. Jessica is wearing a black sparkly off the shoulder thing. She likes Andy’s M.C. Hammer pants.
Gretchen says there can be magic and inspiration through challenge. Nina says overall she did a fantastic job and the prints were really nice, particularly the patchwork pants. Nina says it was a complete ready to wear collection, but she would have liked a little color. Kors says he gets the girl, who is relaxed and easy. He loves the jewelry. So does Heidi, but she thought some of the prints were repetitive. Jessica says she would have liked to see a pop as well.
Mondo wanted to play with the symbolism of the Day of the Dead. Kors says eye catching and dramatic is his thing. Heidi says there were quiet and loud pieces, and she particularly liked his skull t-shirt. Nina says she likes his use of color and mix of prints. But she felt it was too overwhelming and it started looking very young and she wants to see more sophistication. Jessica likes the personality and thinks it’s unique. Kors says his waist-high plaid pants are crazy pants, and that’s who Mondo is, but it’s very cohesive.
At the judging discussion where the designers are NOT present, they all decide that-Andy is out because of his headpieces and because he lost the edgy bite. Wow, that’s a little different. They didn’t even try to make that part of the drama.
Nina says Gretchen’s got good sensibility, a good eye and her clothes are on trend. Michael says she stayed true to herself, but she listened to them and he liked how she included some sexiness. Nina likes the hats.
Mondo has a wink with his clothes, says Heidi. Nina says he has incredible talent and he’s incredibly creative. Jessica says she likes how he added color to the plaid. Nina said her favorite was his strapless dress. Michael says the talent is there but he doesn’t know if he’s at the point where he knows how to edit and could have used a black dress.
Nina votes to have co-winners with Mondo and Gretchen. Heidi and Jessica say they would buy more pieces from Mondo. Nina then takes Gretchen’s side and says it’s more sellable and that last season’s winner, Seth Aaron, had something similar to Mondo. Heidi and Jessica are really pressing for Mondo and Michael and Nina are fighting for Gretchen.
Gretchen is the winner. For real. I am not making this up. Apparently the judges think we all want to be wearing gray and running through the thunder. It’s a hot mess of horror. Where’s that drink?
p.s. Next week we’ll interview Santino Rice and Austin Scarlett about their thoughts. Stay tuned,
Friday, October 29, 2010
Project Runway Season 8