Trick-or-treating last night was better than expected, given LittleBrother had an ear infection and it was crazy cold and windy. I learned my lesson last year and took the car with us. The Good, too.And one more. And then a big wind blew, turned his head to one side the head of foreigners and it did. He was in the car for the rest of the trip. From time to time has turned the heads of Alien in the right way when we hear his little voice, I do not see.
BigBrother, however, was a professional, as evidenced by the serious Super Trick-or-treat Face.He made three quarters of the way into the big circuit, in general this year, the race to keep up a nearly seven year girlfriend of ours. Only he did halfway last year before starting to complain, it was a great improvement. In addition, the car! Win. We have a lot of praise for his costume.
Had a great time. I think that’s too LittleBrother, despite the sore ear infection. BigBrother offered to share their candy, sweets because people LittleBrother near the road as was the style of driving. A man accused of “spoiling” him. Hello, who is ill. In addition, it is Halloween. Why not indulge a little? Also, be quiet. Also, be careful.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Trick Or Treating 2010