President Obama faces accusations of fearmongering and spin-doctoring a fake terror scare as his approval ratings are tanking. The White House is embroiled in an effort to divert public attention from the bleak recession hit scenario with record levels of unemployment, say media critics. Even as Obama is dousing a full-blown currency war with countries manipulating their buck to export profitably, public support is dwindling in the face of lack of progressive reforms.
In what is being called a last ditch effort to flummox people and stoke hysteria, Obama directed U.S. intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security to issue a high-level security alert even when the suspicious package found on a UK-bound flight was found free of threat. While the White House can be lauded for its “better safe than sorry” policy, some say that the only reason the packet with no explosives causes such a furore was because of the widespread anti-incumbency mood.
Law enforcement agencies in the US cranked into top gear after the full-fledged terror alert. This comes in the wake of the October travel alert issued to Americans travelling abroad.
The two planes at the centre of attention landed at Philadelphia International Airport and at Newark Liberty Airport, and were soon cleared, as tests for explosives on the planes came out negative. Prison Planet is running a long campaign to foist the blame on the US administration for pulling the wool over people’s eyes, and trying to win support by pointing at enemies lurking abroad.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fake Terror