Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Boston Celtics Roster

Boston Celtics roster: Shaquille O'Neal impressive in Celtics vs Heat match. Heat wilted under Celtics’ consistent pressure and ended up 88-80 down against Celtics in a match that was at best listless. There was nothing exceptional about this match except the fact that the match was won by Celtics.

Though 88-80 defeat against Celtics cannot be called a very big defeat, but it is significant in the sense that the Heat have always been hyped. The same was true about this match as well and so the disappointment that is visible on Heat fans faces.

Heat were under consistent Heat pressure from the word go. The first quarter ended 16-9, while the second round ended Celtics 45, Heat 30. Though they improved tremendously in the third round but still couldn’t match Celtics. The third quarter ended Celtics 63, Heat 57 and the third and the final quarter ended 88-80 in favor of a better organized Celtics.

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