Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chaska Borek

Chaska Borek: Manchester United striker Javier Hernandez "Chicharito" was spotted on what looked like a Dinner Date with 18 years old Chaska Borek. The two were seen together at GLOBE RESTAURANT at Crowne Plaza Shoreditch in London a few weeks ago. “They were really cute together,” "they seemed to be having a great time ":said their source, they left around 8-9:30pm also, the former striker took multiple photos with eager fans, according to several sources. the young couple retreated out the back door together, though left in separate vehicles. " Missing him.....wish i was in mexico right now.... " Borek wrote on her Facebook page on September 7, 2010 just a day before the international match Mexico vs Colombia on Sept 8.

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