Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wish Tv

ish Tv, WISH-TV 24-Hour News 8 continues to hold the voters of central Indiana has informed this election season with the results of the will-TV Indiana Poll 2010 election. Three weeks after the publication of poll data exclusive, 24-Hour News 8 has returned to the people of central Indiana to update where they are just a few days before the election.
The results of this survey are published for new elections this week at 24-hour News 8 Daybreak and 24-Hour News 8 at 5 and 18 hours. The results include detailed information on some of the most important issues and races against Indiana voters in the upcoming elections.
A survey conducted October 19-21 2010 New Senate candidates favored:
Dan Coats (R) 53%
Brad Ellsworth (D) 35%
Rebecca Sink-Burris (L) 5%
The first round results of the poll conducted September 29 to October 1, 2010 on favored candidates in the Senate:
Dan Coats (R) 51%
Brad Ellsworth (D) 33%
Rebecca Sink-Burris (L) 5%
The survey results this week will focus on approval rate Mr. Obama, the Secretary of State and the Attorney Marion County races, property tax caps, and more.
WISH-TV commissioned EPIC · the conduct of the MRA for WISH-TV Indiana Poll 2010 election. The size of the statewide survey sample was 500, with 4.4% + / – margin of error. · EPIC MRA, a polling firm, research experience, has been active in governmental, political, marketing, business and health issues at the state and national level since 1985. EPIC MRA · Surveys are regularly cited by national news and the media and have been featured on CNN, World News Tonight, Nightline, and National Public Radio.
For more information on The WISH-TV Indiana Poll 2010 election, and to follow the political blog of Jim Shella, visit WISHTV.com and click OnPolitix.

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