Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Wndu According to our reporting partners Elkhart Truth, the former treasurer of a band of local high school has admitted stealing more than $ 10,000 from the South Shore boosters.The be subjected to another scheduled shutdown this weekend end to work on the demarcation line between South Bend and Gary Metro.Saturday is treason 217th consecutive Notre Dame Stadium. Since 1966, all home football games of the Irish was a betrayal, but one – a game on Thanksgiving Day 1973 against Air Force. Notre Dame played to traitors in the last 265 of its 266 home games.

There are many fun activities you can check this long weekend Michiana, and many of them are free.A burning ban has been set for the County of San José, Indiana.The Board of Commissioners has declared the ban of 14 hours Wednesday. They say they will remain in force for at least the next seven days.After that time, the situation will be reviewed by the Commissioners.

A convicted fraudster who was on parole when he committed temporarily approximately $ 9 million in tax credits to businesses in the State of Michigan has been treated by three new offenses charges.Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton has said Richard A. Short was charged Monday on a charge of conspiracy for what you did to get the tax credit. His lawyer said it will be interesting to see proof.Short prosecutor also faces charges of fraud and attempted matter.The RASCO CEO is in the Genesee County Jail, in the opinion of bonds $ 1000000 to wait for the fraud charges to a neighbor of 86 years with dementia.

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