Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Audrina Patridge

Audrina Patridge's 'Dancing With the Stars' dreams might be over, but the reality star announced yesterday that she's heading back to television sooner than you might think.

"My [reality] show with Mark Burnett did get picked up for VH1," she told TV Squad backstage at 'DWTS.'

According to Deadline Hollywood, Patridge and Burnett developed the reality series for MTV last year. After the pilot, 'The Audrina Show,' failed to get picked up, the pair tinkered with the format and brought their series to VH1.

Though the network hasn't announced any official details about the as-yet-untitled show, Deadline reports that it will last eight to ten episodes and feature the star and her family as they "navigate the world of fame and celebrity in Hollywood." In her own words, "It'll be about my family and me, and everything everyone's always wondered about they're going to see," Patridge said.

No word on whether Patridge's former 'Hills' costars will appear on the new series, but guess who will pop up on the show? "Tony [Dovolani, her 'DWTS' partner] will be on it," she revealed.

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