Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sat Scores

The average Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores for last year’s graduating class of 2010 rose 21 points overall. This statistic is taken from the seniors’ most recent test scores, and before March of 2010, and about 203 students of that class took the test.
A score of 800 for each of the three test subjects would be a perfect score. Last year’s seniors achieved an average of 539 for the reading portion, 538 for math, and 530 for writing, for an average of a total of a score of 1607.
These scores are slightly higher than the scores of the averages of Loudoun County’s last year’s seniors, which were 535 in reading, 536 in math, and 526 in writing. However, the average scores in Virginia were 512 in reading, 512 in math, and 497 in writing.
Senior guidance counselor Jaclyn Smith recommends that students practice the SAT to better increase their scores. This includes being familiar with the type of questions, the amount of time that it takes, and the actual content of the test. “The more exposure you have, the better,” she said.
Smith also said it was a personal decision as to how many and what resources students should use. There are several preparatory guide books, including one even created by the test administrator, College Board, and SAT preparatory courses that students can take.
When debating on whether or not to take a prep course, Smith said that students should ask themselves, “Are you going to have the discipline to sit there and study on your own or would you benefit to sit there [and study] with a group?”
Guidance director Kevin Terry strongly encourages students to take advantage of the College Board website, Using the access code which students receive after taking the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) test in school, they can navigate through the new “Answers Imagined” portion of the website.

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